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MAPQUEST and type in Marblehill GA. to get a map of the area.
The Four Mile Baptist Church had services every other Sunday while the Conn's Creek Baptist the alternate Sundays. Many of the members were employed by the marble quarry at Marble Hill. These were not slave holding plantation owners but all of the sons and sons-in-law of Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman were part of the Confederate Army and spent the war in grey. Amazingly not one was killed or seriously wounded.
Following the end of the war, one of the enforcers left in charge of the area had taken a plow belonging to Silas Newton a man named Arwood. Silas Newton saw him with the plow and while attempting to retrieve his property was killed with a pitchfork.
Silas Newtons son Samuel Bozeman & wife Cynthia Mann Bozeman left for Concord, TN with son Harrison Newton and eventually had 4 sons and 4 daughters. The youngest of which Artie Claude was my Grandfather.

Sunrise over Pickens County Georgia December 5, 2004

Conn's Creek Baptist Church holds services the 2nd and 5th Sundays each month. It is about 3 miles south of Four Mile Baptist which holds services on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

Judge Charles Howard Bozeman, David Bozeman and Dr. Charles H. Bozeman II at the old church at Conn's Creek "constituted" in 1847. This is directly across from the entrance of the newer building above.

Four Mile Baptist Church seen from the cemetery across the road.
There are dozens of Darbys, Ingrams, and Bozemans and other relatives buried here.

John K. Bozeman's marker at Four Mile Baptist Church
John K. married Sara C. Darby. He was the third son of Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman.

We met our cousin Lindsay Petty during the Sunday service at Four Mile Baptist Church. Lindsay is the great x 3 grandson of John K. Bozeman who was the elder brother of Silas Newton Bozeman who is my great-great grandfather and fourth son of Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman.

Rebecca Beede Bozeman Ingram is the daughter of Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman.
There are many unreadable markers at Four Mile Baptist Church. We are trying to arrange to read the old minutes of Four Mile Church to determine if any information therein leads us to which graves belong to Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman and Silas Newton and Eliza Parrish Bozeman.

The sign at Four Mile Baptist constituted in 1850

The sign at Bozeman Lane possibly named for Tillman Bozeman who had a store nearby.
Tillman was a descendant of Amos and Nancy Tarbutton Bozeman

Tombstone of Henry Bluet Bozeman located at Refuge Baptist Church just west of Tate GA.

Barry Bozeman author of the website with cousin Dr. Charles Ingram who is the author of the Bozeman Families History.
Doctor Ingrams dedication to the research on BOZEMAN FAMILY HISTORY has been an inspiration. He can be contacted through our Facebook Group where you can find many documents he produced with detailed information on the Bozeman Family Name.
If anyone would like to see any of the rest of the pictures from this trip please leave a comment in the "Comments" just below this line with your e-mail address and I will send you a link to the photo album on Snapfish. There are pictures of many of the descendants of Amos and Nancy's tombstones in Four Mile, Refuge, and Cool Springs cemetaries in Pickens County Georgia.